India’s Water Problems Have Simple Solutions

In this talk, policy-maker Mihir Shah argued that contrary to popular belief, the current water crisis in India is amenable to solutions that are both reasonably simple and practically implementable. The talk summarised the key elements of a new water strategy and demonstrated how its implementation can be carried out, based on well-established best practice proofs-of-concept on the ground. Based on a radically new understanding of development, this water strategy is absolutely essential, given the emerging reality on the ground in this era of climate change, as also our growing understanding of water and its place in the development process.


About the Policy maker

As Member, Planning Commission, Government of India from 2009 to 2014, Mihir Shah was chiefly responsible for drafting the paradigm shift in the management of water resources enunciated in the 12th Five Year Plan. In 2017-18, he chaired a Task Group set up by the Government of Karnataka, that submitted a new Water Policy in December 2018. In November 2019, he was asked by the Government of India to chair the Committee to draft a new National Water Policy

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