The Disappearance of the Saraswati

In this talk, prominent geologist K.S. Valdiya presented a talk on the mythical river Saraswati in Western India and took audiences on a journey through time. By providing evidence of human activity along its course and images of underground water challenges, Valdiya argued that the river existed up until the 2000 B. C. He ended his lecture by proposing that tectonic fault lines changed the course of the river and pushed the remaining part of it underground. 

Check out the complete blog by our Mediator Nomaan here.


About the Geologist

K S Valdiya was a distinguished Scientist, Academician, Author, and an Environmentalist. He was internationally recognized for his path-breaking work in the fields of Geology and Environmental Science. In 2007, he was awarded the Padmashri for his outstanding contribution to Science.

 His fields of specialization were Tectonics with special reference to active faults and Environmental Geology. His fundamental studies and research on the Uttarakhand Himalayas serves a template and a guide for interpreting the structural architecture of the entire Himalayas.

He has written over 110 research papers, authored 14 books, edited 9 books and penned 40 articles in Hindi towards popularization of science. KS Valdiya taught graduate and post graduate courses in Earth Sciences, and mentored Ph.D. candidates, post-doctoral scholars, and other researchers.

He served as a Member of the Science Advisory Committee to the Cabinet of the Prime Minister (1983–1988), influencing National policy on Science and Environment.

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