
A setup comprising a set of dehydrated stones, a water tank and a submersible microphone help us hear the unique sounds, with distinct rhythms, patterns and soundscapes, created by each rock as it absorbs water. The sound anatomy created by different stones become a means of exploring their internal structure.

Ivan Macera

About the Artist

Born in Rome in 1975, Ivan Macera’s personal approach is based on experimentation and improvisation which provides the fertile niche that allows for the continuous and necessary evolution of the research of sound. Over the course of the years, he has devoted his studies to observing and analyzing the relationships between resonances as the means of developing audio expression, elaborating and creating sound objects, kinetic sculptures and musicial instruments, using largely natural materials from different places.

The focus on the timbre of the objects and reversing the concept of percussion occurred after his encounter with the Sardinian sculptor Pinuccio Sciola, which subsequently led him to follow this path more concretely with Diagenesi, a project that investigates the sounds of absorption that previously dehydrated stones emit when they are then immersed in liquid.

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