The Shape of A Laugh


For centuries, humans have been tracking the spread and impact of disease, collecting data, and finding insights to understand the disease. Since the 19th Based on Anais Tondeur’s exhibit ‘When the World Was A Laugh’, this workshop invited participants to delve into a collection of laughs from across the world, and to explore the making and the unfolding of a speculative fiction out of this collection. The participants engaged in performative readings and an experimental modelling of a typology of laughs, through which they were able to reflect on the role of laughter in the social fabric of human relationships and beyond.


About the Artist

Merging natural sciences and anthropology, myth-making, and new media, visual artist Anaïs Tondeur’s practice is anchored in ecology thought. Creating installations, photographs, or videos, she seeks a new aesthetic, in the sense of a renewal of our modes of perception, to find other conditions of being in the world.

She has been an artist-in-residence in several art centers and scientific laboratories, which include LeCentQuatre-Grand Paris Express (2018-19), Artlink (Ireland, 2019), the Museum of Arts et Métiers (Paris, 2018-17), and the National Centre for Space Studies (CNES, Paris, 2016).

Gayatri Manu