Transforming Water of Crisis into Water of Prosperity

In this masterclass, researcher Arup K. SenGupta gave an overview of the challenges of water across the world along with the latest technological developments which are helping solve this problem. He explored into the pollution of surface water, consisting of aquatic systems that are above ground, such as streams, lakes and rivers. In the second part of the masterclass, participants visited the Mr Water filtration centre, a local filtration centre in Indiranagar, Bengaluru that provides filtered groundwater to the community.
About the Environmental engineer
Arup K. Sengupta is a Professor at the Lehigh University. He is leader in environmental technology research and education, and has guided dozens of graduate students to successful careers in engineering practice and research. His award-winning research has expanded the field of ion exchange science and technology in solving environmental problems, and has led to the development of new classes of hybrid ion exchangers that have been incorporated into water and wastewater treatment processes globally. He heads an international, interdisciplinary effort to develop and promote a sustainable treatment system that provides drinking water free of arsenic to thousands of people all over the world.
Connected Exhibits and Programmes
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