In the listening room, visitors could drown out the noise and tune into our playlists drawing on podcasts, online radio, and recordings that explored new science, controversies, and the context of contagion. 

What is the origin of a contagion? Engage with the eye of the storm through stories of disease discovery, fake news, and research that can help contain pathogens. This is how contagious phenomena begin.

How are contagions transmitted? What networks can we unearth when we investigate contagions of different kinds? These podcasts cover epidemics past and present, and enable us to understand different types of contagions through the lens of their spread.

What are the fallouts and effects of the pandemic we are experiencing? What are the responses to a contagion? Through this collection of podcasts, explore these questions—both through the lens of the current pandemic, as well as through other contagions. 

How can we make sense of the complexities of any contagion? Why should we even attempt to make sense of it? Taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture, we provide a broader perspective on how contagions transform our lives.

Vasudha Malani