How Ideas and Behaviours Spread Through A Crowd

This event was a culmination of the live experiment during CONTAGION, conducted in our mediator-led sessions. Experimental psychologist Daniel Richardson spoke about how ideas and behaviours spread through groups of people, how crowds make a good or bad decision, and how social psychology helps us better understand group behaviours. 


About the Experimental Psychologist

Daniel Richardson is a Professor of Experimental Psychology at University College London. Prior to that, he was an undergraduate at Magdalen College, Oxford, a graduate student at Cornell, a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford, and an assistant professor at UC Santa Cruz. His research examines how individuals' thought processes are related to the people around them. He has authored many scientific articles in cognitive, developmental and social psychology and two popular science books, 'Man vs Mind' and 'A Dummies Guide to Social Psychology'. He received three Provost's Teaching Awards from UCL, and has performed shows at the London Science Museum and Bloomsbury theatre combining science, music and live experiments on the group mind of the audience.

Vasudha Malani