Learning from a Pandemic

By Johanna Hanefeld | 10 May 2021

Though COVID-19 is primarily a global health crisis, its ripple effect has been felt in various spheres of life. It has changed how we work, how we relax, and how we connect with each other. However, the effect of the pandemic has varied significantly on a global level, with countries responding in vastly different ways. Johanna Hanefeld, a social scientist at the Robert Koch Institute, has been working on international pandemic preparedness and responses. She explores how lessons learned from the current pandemic can help us envision a more equitable response to future crises.


About the Expert

Johanna Hanefeld is the Director of the Centre for International Health Protection (ZIG), Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, and an Associate Professor of Health Policy and Systems at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.


