High School Externships

Science Gallery Bengaluru offers externships to provide young adults exposure to practices in public engagement with science and art. It is a learning opportunity where selected applicants shadow the different SGB teams, engage with the ongoing exhibition-season, and create outcomes to share their experiences. 

Who can apply?

To apply for this externship, you should be:

  • A student in high school, between the ages of 15 to 17.

  • Curious about the intersections of science and art.

  • Interested in learning more about interdisciplinary thinking and practices.

  • Eager to understand more about Science Gallery Bengaluru, and contribute to different departments to take the mission of the gallery forward.

  • Studying any stream or subjects. We encourage people from any stream to apply. 


We offer 1 month long internships, which require 20 hours of engagement per week. 

The externships run in the months of May and June. 

If offered the position, you would be required to be available in-person, from Wednesday to Saturday, for approximately 5 hours a day. The timings will be communicated to selected candidates.

What can you expect?

In this month-long externship, you will have the opportunity to work with any three of six teams at Science Gallery Bengaluru:

  • Communications

  • Design

  • Learning

  • Production

  • Programmes

  • Research

After working for three weeks with these teams, you will spend the last week reflecting and documenting your experiences in the form of a report or article.

You will get to:

  • Shadow any three teams for a week each. The teams you will work with will be decided based on your skills, interest, and the ongoing work in each team. Please note you might not be able to work with all your preferred teams.

  • Understand the function of each department and the contributions from each team that come together to create large-scale exhibition-seasons.

  • Produce small outcomes to get hands-on experience in working within that team.

  • Support each team with their responsibilities for that week. This could look very different depending on the team you are working with that week. For example, it might mean working on social media posts, or helping to run an event, or going around the city to support production of exhibits. 

  • Create an end-of-externship document to reflect on your experiences and contribute to a growing collection of collective knowledge around science/art exposure.

Application Timelines

May Intake

Start date: First week of May, typically the first Wednesday

End date: Last week of May, typically the last Saturday

Apply by: 20 April

June Intake

Start date: First week of June, typically the first Wednesday

End date: Last week of June, typically the last Saturday

Apply by: 20 May

Applying for the role

To apply, please send the following to mentorship@bengaluru.sciencegallery.com with the subject line 'Application for Externship at SGB'

  • 1-page resume

  • 250 word cover letter telling us why you are interested in working with Science Gallery Bengaluru

Please note that externships are unpaid, and primarily meant for exposure. If you feel you need financial support in order to successfully participate in this role, please mention it alongside your application.

Vikas Gotla